The definition of anthropology is the study of various elements of humans, including biology and culture , in order to understand human origin and the evolution of various beliefs and social customs.
Meets: once every month on 2nd tuesday from 10:30 to 12:30
Venue: Member's Home
Architecture (accepting new members)
The Architecture Group meets at Bayston Hill Methodist Centre Hall for its monthly meetings. These are usually on the first Tuesday afternoon of each month. In the winter meetings are 13.30 to 15.30. In the summer meetings are 14.00 to 16.00. To pay for the hire of the hall group members at present contribute £5 each every six months. With a significant number of new members in recent months the group is full, but prospective members are welcome to contact the Coordinator and arrange to come along to a Bayston Hill meeting as a (free) guest to try us out.
The group studies buildings and gardens, architects and architectural styles through different periods of history. This includes building techniques, methods and materials. We also look at developments such as energy efficiency and Passivhaus designs.
The works of individual architects and movements are explored, and in the warmer months we may undertake local field trips organised by group members.
Participation is the key and, if possible, group members are expected to contribute presentations (which might be joint presentations by two or more members) or to help arrange and support meetings, events and activities in our programme. There is time for refreshments and discussion after presentations.
Our 2024 programme started with Weird and Wonderful Buildings at our January 9th meeting. In February we looked at 50 years of Telford. In March we had a presentation about Harewood House and Palladian Architecture and on April 9th we had a presentation about Renaissance Architecture of the Low Countries. Our meeting in May looked at Edwardian Shrewsbury. In June we had a presentation about the home remodelling, improvements and modifications made over about 25 years and 5 houses by one couple who are in the group (and whose home members of the group had the opportunity to visit). The July meeting looked at Edwardian Architecture including garden design.
In the Spring we also had the opportunity to join the Shropshire Society of Architects monthly evening meetings at the Hive in Belmont. A number of us attended the February 14th meeting when Jamie Fobert of Jamie Fobert Architects gave a presentation entitled Working in Art: From Exhibitions to the National Portrait Gallery. The work done at Tate St. Ives, Kettles Yard, Cambridge and particularly the transformation of the National Portrait Gallery was both fascinating and impressive. Some of the group joined the March meeting when Ceri Edmunds of Alison Brooks Architects gave a presentation and the April meeting when Alex Ely of Mae Architects (winners of the 2023 Stirling Prize) gave the presentation. At the final meeting of this series Magnus Strom of Strom Architects gave a presentation about High-End Residential Homes.
Our September meeting was a presentation by Marches Energy Agency, our October 1st meeting (2.00pm start) will include a presentation about Milton Keynes and the November 5th meeting (1.30pm start) will be about Canal Architecture.
In addition members are encouraged to attend the Autumn Series of the Shropshire Society of Architects Lectures at The Hive in Belmont. The first of these is on Wednesday 25th September at 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start (entry cost £5). The topic is Designing with Timber and the presenter is Fergus Fielden of Fielden Fowles.
As from October 1st 2024 the new Coordinator of the Shrewsbury u3a Architecture Group will be Pauline Hallworth.
Meets: once every month on 1st tuesday from 13:30 to 16:00
Venue: Bayston Hill Methodist Centre
Creative Writing (accepting waiting list members)
Welcome to Creative Writing.
We are a small, established group aiming to improve our creative skills, using a variety of written forms each month, based on a chosen topic. Group feedback at our monthly meetings is always constructive and friendly. Comparing one’s thoughts and interpretations on each topic always stimulates lively discussion and debate within the group, particularly as we all come from such diverse backgrounds. We have been meeting for over 14 years so we think we must be doing something right!
Logged in members of Shrewsbury u3a can view samples of our work by visiting the Creative Writing Group Page and then clicking the Documents tab. We hope you enjoy reading them and we welcome comments!
Our group is currently full. However, enquiries are always welcome and we would encourage you to add your name to our waiting list, as a second group might be an option in the future, if we have enough members.
Meets: once every month on 3rd thursday from 14:00 to 16:30
Venue: Member's Home
Economics (accepting waiting list members)
The Economics group meets to consider any aspect of economics, with some emphasis on the basics, and current economic topics.
Meets: once every month on 2nd thursday from 14:00 to 16:00
Venue: Member's Home
Exploring the English Language (accepting new members)
The aim of this group is to learn about and enjoy the English language in all its quirkiness! This is a generally light-hearted look at such topics as:
history of the English language and how it\'s changed down the centuries; foreign influences; new \'fashionable\' words and expressions; dialects; toponyms (place names); spelling and punctuation (featuring the wandering apostrophe).
Meets: once every month on 1st tuesday from 14:00 to 16:00
Venue: Louise House
Feminism Discussion Group - Development through time (accepting new members)
A discussion group about inspirational women, exploring how feminism has developed to meet the changing needs and issues through time. A historical perspective.
This is broadly about women, with lots of scope to explore the historical contexts that surround social change, resulting from the actions of numerous wonderful women and their allies, from 19th Century to today. Discussions are stimulated by prior knowledge or from a little individual research, sharing what we find, undoubtedly leading to interesting chat. There may be the option to access Podcasts, YouTube or other, as an alternative way of exploring the impact of some amazing women.
Meets: once every month on last monday from 10:30 to 12:00
Venue: The Crown Inn
History 1
The History 1 group decides on a period of world history and members choose a subject relating to it that they would like to research. Their discoveries are shared with the group and everyone joins in with questions and discussion.
History 1 is a long-established group interested in all aspects of world and local history military, political, philosophical, economic, social, biographical and the arts. Together we decide on an area to study and each choose topics to present to the group. The presentations always lead to lively discussion.
Over the past couple of years, we have been looking at the eighteenth century, presently concentrating on the second half the Enlightenment. This continues to be a rich source of subject matter which we have not yet exhausted.
Meets: once every month on 3rd wednesday from 10:00 to 00:00
History 2 (accepting waiting list members)
At the History 2 group, each person takes it in turn to present a historical topic of their choice.
Recent topics have included Constantinople - decline and fall, Four Medieval Queens, a history of Ellis Island. Presentations are followed by refreshments and discussion.
In July, the group went on a walking tour of Shrewsbury, with members taking it in turn to give a potted history of a landmark. In December, we had a historical quiz, with members giving clues around the theme of Who/What/Where am I?
Group size is limited due to the size of venue.
Previously the group has chosen to study the historical period 1815-1871. We have now decided to broaden our scope to include topics from any period. Topics can cover political, social, economic, military history of Britain or anywhere in the world.
Meets: once every month on 2nd monday from 10:00 to 00:00
Venue: Member's Home
History Science and Invention (accepting new members)
Meetings of the History of Science and Invention group are held at premises having disabled access. Members make presentations on the development of science and technology through the ages which may be specific scientific discoveries and invention, the lives of eminent scientists and inventors or aspect of any science or technology subject in which they have an interest. Presentations in recent times having included ‘Henry Cavendish’; ‘A History of Seamarks’ and ‘Women in Crystallography’. The mood is lightened or made pensive by topics such as \'Merrily we roll along – A History of the Wheel’ and ‘Journalism and Climate Change’.
If you would like a ticket to ride on the monthly missions of this space-time star ship, you need to know that it docks monthly on the morning of the first Friday each month to take on board its intrepid crew. No previous knowledge of history, science or interstellar navigation required, just an enquiring mind and possibly, for the anxious, a packet of Kwells!
Meets: once every month on 1st friday from 10:00 to 12:00
Venue: Louise House
International Relations and War Studies Post 1945 (accepting new members)
This is a new group that will welcome those with some existing knowledge and those who are interested in addressing a new academic discipline. The founding members met in June 2023 to decide how best to operate. At the core of our activities will be to take turns in studying chosen aspects/events (Group members can choose) of the post 1945 period. They can then present, or lead discussion on, key aspects/events. For example, we might decide to look at the various aspects of the Cold War in Europe, conflicts outside Europe or international economic and political developments. Some subjects may well be broken down into bite sized chunks and covered over a period of several meetings. The best medium for presenting the results of research is likely to be Power Point and our chosen venue has all the necessary audio visual facilities into which members can connect lap top computers on which their materiel is installed, if they choose to lead on subjects in that way.
Meets: Once every month on second Monday of month, at 2-4 pm
Venue: Drapers Place, Abbey Foregate
Current membership: 11 registered on Arda.
Waiting List: 0. Accepting new members
Coordinator: John Lucas 07711566502
Group Page: None.
Meets: once every month on 1st monday from 14:00 to 16:00
Venue: Drapers Place Bradbury Room
Living Sustainably (accepting new members)
Without sustainability there will be little or no future for humankind on this beautiful planet. Sustainability can be defined as the meeting of the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs.
The group will discuss individual, local and national issues of sustainability and will be encouraged to work as a team to to put into practice their everyday choices of sustainable actions.
Local History 1
The Local History group features talks from local historians on Shrewsbury and other places in Shropshire.
Visits to places of local interest are organised as a follow-up to the talks.
Venue: Belle Vue Methodist Church
Local History 2
Unfortunately this group is full and cannot take any new members at present.
We meet on the third Friday of the month to research and discuss the local history of the town of Shrewsbury, its buildings and people.
In addition to the monthly meetings we arrange visits and walks to places of interest from a local history point of view.
Meets: once every month on 3rd friday from 10:30 to 12:30
Local History 3 (accepting waiting list members)
This Group meets at 10am on the first Friday of each month in the Bradbury Room at Drapers Place, Horsefair, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury.
We are a friendly, participative group who enjoy helping each other to find out more about the history of Shrewsbury and Shropshire. Members research a topic of their own choice, either alone or with other members, and we share our findings in a variety of ways, e.g. by giving a talk, showing photos, a computer presentation or perhaps a quiz. There are occasional guest speakers and visits to places of local historical interest, but the emphasis is on group members learning from each other. Lorna McGain is the Group Co-Ordinator.
Meets: once every month on 1st friday from 10:00 to 12:00
Venue: Various
Local History 4 (accepting new members)
This group has been formed to meet the demand for membership of the 3 existing Local History groups, each of which has a slightly different approach to the subject. Members have agreed to take an informal approach to begin with using research and discussion, combined with occasional speakers and visits, through an evolving programme which was discussed at the first meeting.
Meets: once every month on 4th thursday from 10:00 to 12:00
Venue: Hobbs Room Shrewsbury Library
Maths for Fun (accepting new members)
Aimed at u3a members with no maths since school. Fun or "recreational" maths, at a level we can all cope with. Our opening session looked at the curious behaviour of the Collatz sequence. Someone with a calculator, pad of paper and a pencil, who is keen to try out ideas and contribute as is usual in u3a groups. Most of the content is not formal maths and will include looking at interesting topics on the fringes of maths making it fun and enjoyable.
We plan to meet once a month and we plan to rotate the speaker. Biographies, stories, sit alongside the maths sessions.
Meets: once every month on 4th wednesday from 14:00 to 16:00
Venue: Member's Home
Military History (accepting new members)
Our monthly meetings usually comprise of a presentation by a group member, on a topic of their choice, followed by an informal quiz when members each ask two or three questions and provide the answers. We don\'t keep score or mark results. We are here to enjoy ourselves. We meet at Pimley Manor in Sundorne and details of how to find us will be sent on request.
Pictures from our group can be found at:
Meets: once every month on 2nd thursday from 10:00 to 12:00
Venue: Pimley Manor
Motown, Soul and Funk Music Discussion Group (accepting new members)
For people who enjoy the fun of listening to and sharing their most loved Motown, Soul and Funk tunes! Enjoy discussion about musicians and songs, including the influence of social change along the way, as well as sharing personal anecdotes, memories, knowledge and personal reactions to music. This is a broad topic with lots of scope to explore different musicians, producers and the historical context of the music - social change, art, politics, fashion, culture etc Our discussions can also be stimulated by a little research and sharing what we find. We can view YouTube clips and listen to a Podcast some weeks, an additional way of exploring.
Meets: once every month on 4th wednesday from 14:30 to 16:30
Venue: Member's Home
Philosophy Group (accepting new members)
Philosophy! Don’t be put off. If you are like me - someone who has always had a casual interest in Philosophy and read the occasional book but always wanted to learn and understand more - this group is just right for you. Firstly let me say that none of the group has any academic expertise in philosophy - so no need to feel intimidated by the thought of joining a group of academic philosophers. We simply use the book \'Western Philosophy: An Anthology (Second Edition) by John Cottingham as the starting point for our discussions. We work through the book section by section. We have spent the last 12 months completing the section Authority and the State in which we read about The Social Contract and various philosophers’ thoughts on the matter. We have discussed topics including :-
Our obligations to respect the law : Plato - Crito
The Just Ruler :Thomas Aquinas - On Princely Government
Sovereignty and Security : Thomas Hobbes - The Leviathan
Consent and Political Obligation : John Locke - The Second Treatise of Civil Government
Against Contractarianism : David Hume - Of the Original Contract
Society and the Individual : Jean-Jacques Rousseau - The Social Contract
The Unified State : From Individual Desire to Rational Self-determination- The Philosophy of Right
Property, Labour and Alienation : Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels - The German Ideology
The Limits of Majority Rule : John Stuart Mill - On Liberty
The Minimal State : Robert Nozick - Anarchy, State and Utopia
Social Co-operation and Rational Self-interest : David Gauthier- Why Contactarianism
Liberalism, Resources and Equal Worth : Ronald Deorkin - Why Liberals Should Care about Equality
How the group works.
Prior to each meeting a question is set to form the basis of our discussion. Each member then reads the appropriate section (5-6 pages of text) together with any additional references supplied by the group coordinator( YouTube video or website link) or researched by the individual member. Members prepare a very brief summary, perhaps one paragraph of their understanding of the section and then we compare notes and discuss as a group. The discussion usually broadens out into present day issues related to the subject matter discussed. We meet at 2pm at Louise House, Roman Road, Shrewsbury SY3 9JT on the second Tuesday of each month for two hours. The room hire fee is split between members which typically works out at £1.30/£1.50 member per session and there is a café on site. Please feel free to contact me.
Kevin Nester
07711 764768
Meets: once every month on 2nd tuesday from 14:00 to 16:00
Venue: University Centre Shrewsbury
Political Philosophy (accepting new members)
The Political Philosophy Group does what it says on the tin - and it\'s a big tin. The subject explores questions about government, politics, liberty, justice, rights, law, and the enforcement of a legal code. We are working our way through this very wide ranging area. In the process we look at the justification for certain political systems and examine their ethical foundations. During 2024 the group looked at various \'isms\' including conservatism, socialism, anarchism, fascism, liberalism and others. From the beginning of 2025 we have started to look at how politics works in practice starting with the way the UK handles democracy and the institutions that exist to promote or hinder it. As I write this, the full range of topics for the rest of the year is still to be agreed but there are lots of options. Join in to help us work through them. The Group meets, from February 2025, in Tescos Community Room at the Battlefield Store. Alan Healey (email: or mobile: 07879 637090 ) is the group co-ordinator and he would be happy to hear from you.
Meets: once every month on 4th thursday from 14:00 to 16:00
Venue: Tesco Community Room
Practical Philosophy (accepting waiting list members)
Philosophy originally meant ‘love of wisdom’. Philosophers have sought to provide guidance on how to live a ‘good life’ and make responsible decisions.
The Practical Philosophy Group will involve:
• considering and discussing the moral implications of actions and choices for ourselves and others,
• thinking about concepts of justice, fairness, equality of treatment for all individuals, and whether those contribute to the common good.
Everyone has an opinion. It is interesting to hear what other people think and shine a light on our own thought processes, with a view to having a more coherent way of looking at real-world problems and situations. Topics may be as simple as “Is it better to be rich or poor?” or we may want to look at topics such as sending immigrants to Rwanda, or the pros and cons of social media and many more ….’’
Meets: once every month on 2nd wednesday from 13:30 to 15:30
Venue: Member's Home
Topical Discussion (accepting waiting list members)
The group, of 10 members, decides on a contemporary issue of importance and interest to discuss. A member volunteers to introduce it at the next meeting, which gives the others time to do some homework on it should they wish. The first hour of the next meeting is devoted to that issue. The following hour is open to a discussion of any topical matter that any member wishes to raise. Usually several are raised and discussed.
There is a sense of setting the world to rights but, unhappily, that is beyond the scope of the group
Meets: once every month on 2nd wednesday from 10:00 to 12:00
Venue: Member's Home
Digital Photography (accepting new members)
Our Group is currently at below full capacity and is accepting new members. If you are interested, contact the Group Coordinator..
The Digital Photography group covers all aspects of the subject, from the technical and aesthetic basics of taking good photographs to the use of photo-processing software to enhance our pictures. There is a debate about computer “enhancement” as some consider that this is “cheating” by altering what the camera saw, but others see it as a way of improving a picture. This can be by “cropping” the edges to remove unwanted and distracting background from a picture or by altering the brightness or contrast in the picture. Interestingly these techniques and many others are not recent innovations as a result of the digital revolution but have been used in dark rooms since photography began in the nineteenth century!
The group meets monthly to view and discuss pictures that members have taken on an agreed topic. We also have training sessions led by members or talks on subjects of photographic interest to the group.
Meets: once every month on 2nd wednesday from 14:00 to 16:00
Venue: Louise House
Drawing & Painting (accepting waiting list members)
The focus is on our own work, in any medium, regardless of whether people are total beginners or not. Ideally we shall have a still life object to help provide subject matter. There is no teaching; we just enjoy doing our own thing in relaxed company. We meet in Drapers Place, near the Abbey, 10 - 12 on the third Wednesday of the month.
Meets: once every month on 3rd wednesday from 10:00 to 12:00
Early Dance (accepting new members)
Dance with the U3A! Everything from Elizabethan Galliards to Argentinian Tango, and everything in between! You don’t need a partner, just a sense of fun. If you want to know more, contact Robin on 07773 558682 or by email at
Meets: twice every month on 1st thursday from 10:30 to 12:30 and 3rd thursday from 10:30 to 12:30
Venue: Upton Magna Memorial Hall
Electric Music Group (accepting waiting list members)
This music group is aimed at people who have dabbled in electric music playing electric guitars, keyboards, synthesisers or other instruments.
Members will contribute ideas for songs to play, including their own self written pieces or ideas for musical pieces.
The aim is to play and arrange music collectively and record it, thus learning and understanding the recording process along the way.
The Group Mission Statement is:-
At the heart of our group is creativity. We welcome musicians of all abilities and musical backgrounds. We are group which improvises and creates music forms by collaboration. There will be an infinite number of starting points and ideas which arise and which can be developed by the group. We can explore new territory and be out of our comfort zone without fear of being judged when making \"mistakes\"! Musical styles will change according to the mood of individual pieces. Being a democratic ensemble, we aim to respect the offerings, no matter how small, of every member.
Meets: twice every month on 2nd wednesday from 11:00 to 13:00 and 4th wednesday from 11:00 to 13:00
Venue: Member's Home
Folk Music (accepting waiting list members)
We are a friendly group who enjoy playing, singing and listening to traditional music from the UK and around the world.
Some members of the group play (or attempt to play) a variety of instruments at differing standards, ranging from near beginner to expert but no-one is judgmental. Those who sing also differ widely in ability but everyone in the group is supportive of the others. You don’t need to play or sing to come along; you just need to enjoy folk music and its stories. If you do want to improve your playing skills, you may also wish to join the Folk Tunes Workshop.
Songs and tunes played or sung include traditional songs from the UK, America and elsewhere, including industrial, political and social songs and broadsheet ballads, sea songs and shanties, Christmas and seasonal music, songs from the sixties’ “folk revival” and more modern songs in the folk idiom.
Our meetings take the form of “open mic” sessions without a microphone(!) and discussion. For about half of our meetings we choose a theme; for the other half members are free to play or sing any song or tune of their choice - (almost) anything goes!
Frequency: Meetings take place twice a month on the 1st and 4th Mondays of each month from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 a.m.
Venue: Radbrook Community Centre Committee Room, Bank Farm Road, Radbrook (near the Co-op Store and Radbrook Shopping Centre and adjacent to the Inn on the Green). The meeting venue is accessible for the disabled and car parking is available in front of the Community Centre. The venue is also easily accessible from Shrewsbury Town Centre via the No 20 bus.
Cost: There is a charge of £2 for each meeting to include tea or coffee.
Meets: twice every month on 1st monday from 11:15 to 13:15 and 4th monday from 11:15 to 13:15
Venue: Radbrook Community Centre
Folk Music 2 (accepting new members)
We are a new Folk Music group which, it is anticipated , will play and sing folk music of differing genres. As the definition of folk music is so wide and, at the time of writing this description, the group has only met a couple of times, it is not possible to be more precise. The group is still finding its feet and if you are interested in folk music do come along to one of our meetings.
You may be a child of the 60s, like many of us, who enjoyed the folk revival then and are just trying to relive your youth; you may have an accademic interest in the history of folk music or you may just enjoy playing or singing along to traditional tunes and songs. Wherever your interest lies, if you are interested in folk music of any sort and would like to be involved in playing or singing (playing and singing, however, is NOT compulsory), do come along to our meetings and help mould the direction in which the group develops. It really does not matter how well or badly you play or sing (or even if you just want to listen) do come along. The group will be very supportive and noone will be marked out of 10!
The aim of the group is to have fun and enjoy ourselves through the medium of playing and singing tunes and songs we all like and there will be a short break half-way through each session to enjoy tea or coffee and a chat.
It is hoped that the opportunity will arise, from time to time, for members to join with the other u3a folk music group and if members want to improve their playing skills, they may also wish to join the Folk Tunes Workshop group.
Frequency: Meetings take place twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month from 14.00 p.m. to 16.00 p.m (or in old money from 2.00 to 4.00!)..
Venue: During term times: Community in Good Hands, 88/89 Frankwell, Shrewsbury. SY3 8JR (Facing the Frankwell Traffic Island) . Car parking is available close by in Shrewsbury\'s main Frankwell Car Park. During school holidays, the venue will be The Prince of Wales, Bynner Street, Shrewsbury. SY3 7NZ. The pub has a small car park and, during the day, there should be available on-street parking in its immediate vicinity (although the streets are very narrow).
Cost: There will be no charge for the sessions at either venue as the rooms are being made available at no cost. However Community - In Good Hands is also a cafe providing food and beverages as well as alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. It is hoped that members will buy food and/or drinks as a token of our appreciation of the venue\'s hospitality. The Prince of Wales is, of course, a pub and, again, it is hoped that members will partake of refreshment there. Drinking Songs, though appreciated, will not be compulsory!
Meets: twice every month on 1st wednesday from 14:00 to 16:00 and 3rd wednesday from 14:00 to 16:00
Venue: To be decided
Folk Tunes Workshop (accepting new members)
Playing level/standard
The Folk Tunes workshop is for “improvers” who know their way round their instrument & can play a tune, after practice (however hesitantly). Proficient & experienced players would be welcomed to help others progress to their level.
Players will gain the opportunity of playing with others & may progress in time to play in pub sessions. It is hoped that the group will be able to join up periodically to play with the other u3a folk music groups.
Session Format
In the first half we will warm up with the tune “Salmon Tails Up The Water”. Then, 2 tunes, chosen at the previous session for members to practise at home, will be played slowly three times. There will follow the 2 tunes chosen for the previous session in similar fashion but, perhaps, a little faster. A conscious effort will be made to manage a compromise between the group holding a tune together & not being tedious. If any member finds the group is playing too fast, they may have to do the best they can, shrug their shoulders & keep practising. All the tunes will be gathered together into a “Tune Book” to be played again in the future.
In the second half of each session, after a break for coffee or tea & a chat, members will work their way through the ever increasing “Tune Book”. During the second half of each session the two songs for the next session will be chosen.
Until the group is established & a substantial tune book has been built up the two halves of each session will be similar.
Members will then playing “The Oyster Girl” as a closing tune.
The group will have a “no blame” culture, will be supportive of all members & no one will be marking anyone’s homework! The purpose of the workshop is to have fun whilst improving our playing, Most members will be self-taught, having picked up their instruments far too late in life. The workshop will not be concerned with “technique” or technical skills but will seek to accommodate new players by not just “bashing” through known tunes without concern for new starters.
Hopefully, as members will have been practising the tunes regularly at home, we will be able to play tunes in the second half of each session at a slightly faster pace.
The tunes played will be typical “English” traditional folk tunes including tunes from England, Wales, Scotland & Ireland. Most will be traditional; others will be modern tunes popularised in pubs and clubs. Some tunes will have crossed the Atlantic & come back as traditional American tunes. Most tunes will be those commonly played in pub sessions & will be in the key of “G” or “D”. All will be scanned from copyright free sources &, hopefully, links will be available to players and/or singers on the web or on You Tube for those who play by ear & don’t use the “dots”. Members will be free to suggest tunes which can be accessed through “open Source” collections.
The workshop will be paperless and copies of the tunes can accessed/downloaded using Shrewsbury u3a Arda.
Reaching the venue
The Radbrook Community Centre is on Calverton Way off Bank Farm Road, Radbrook SY3 6DZ. There is parking available outside the hall. It is also on the No 20 bus route.
A small charge will be made to cover the cost of room hire and refreshments which will work out at about £2.50 per month.
Meets: once every month on 3rd monday from 14.00 to 16.00
Venue: Radbrook Community Centre
Line Dancing (accepting waiting list members)
Beginner\'s Line Dancing Group
is for those wishing to learn
beginner\'s line dances, so no experience needed.
Dances will be learned \"from scratch\" and we are lucky to have one of our members to show us the steps. Come and have some fun exercise which isn\'t weather dependent. You work as hard as you want and can take a break whenever you wish during the meeting - so bring a drink with you. Plenty of free parking at venue and there\'s a regular bus service. It\'s a lovely floor and the hall is well ventilated, with drinking water and toilets available.
We aim to meet on the first and third Mondays of the month, but if it falls on a Bank Holiday, we may hold the meeting on a different day/week. We do not hold any meetings during July and August. We start again on 6 January 2025 and have 6 meetings booked until 17 March 2025.
We pay a hire charge for the hall at the start of our block booking - so members pay a small charge (in advance) for a block of meetings - regardless of how many times they attend. We aim to keep to a maximum of 24 members as beginners need plenty of floor space.
If you are interested in joining our group please email/ring the Co-ordinator to be added to the waiting list as the group has reached its maximum membership.
u3a members will find co-ordinators\' contact details on the Shrewsbury group list at the bottom of the screen when they log in on the website.
updated 4 February 2025.
Meets: twice every month on 1st monday from 14:00 to 16:00 and 3rd monday from 14:00 to 16:00
Venue: Bicton Heath Community Centre
PopRock Workshop (accepting waiting list members)
The purpose of this group is to gather amateur musicians that are interested in playing popular music together for our own enjoyment, to develop our skills both as individual musicians and as team players in a pop/rock group context. This may be your first opportunity to play in a group or band context; or perhaps you are someone that has lost interest in playing through a lack of others to play with!
The focus is on pop and rock music primarily from the 1970s together with a touch of the ‘60s and early ‘80s, very much in the spirit of ‘covers’ rather than new interpretation. This is the music many of us would have listened to on a record, rather than a CD or, even, a piece of ‘vinyl’!
Meets: twice every month on 1st monday from 14:00 to 17:00 and 3rd monday from 14:00 to 17:00
Venue: Condover Village Hall
Practical Photography (accepting waiting list members)
We are an informal group of amateur but enthusiastic photographers. We concentrate on getting the best results from our cameras rather than software manipulation and enhancement.
We have a theme every month and some of the photo subjects being covered this year include Night Shots; Waterfalls; Local Wildlife; Sport; Sunsets; Waves; Weather, and Street Scenes. We also discuss a photo topic each month which is related to the next months photo subject. In addition we have a closed Facebook group and we also arrange several field trips and visits as well.
Generally we share experiences and techniques, learning from each other.
Meets: once every month on last monday from 10:00 to 12:00
Venue: Louise House
Ukulele (accepting waiting list members)
The Ukulele group continues to meet every week on a Tuesday at the 'Inn on The Green' pub in Radbrook, for a lively strumming and singing session, which normally lasts for two hours.
We have built up a varied song collection and take it in turns to choose and introduce a song from the Shrewsbury U3A Song Book, to ensure that we all get a chance to play our favourite tunes and songs.
Over the last year, we have played to a range of audiences, including residential homes, day centres and community clubs throughout the district.
We have a great deal of fun playing and singing and it's a bonus to be able to share some of this with other people. We also enjoy meals out together and the occasional theatre trip.
At present we have 35 members on our books and can cater for around 35 people, therefore, currently there is little scope to accept additional members wishing to join the group. However, we welcome all enquiries from new members and treat all applications to join on a case by case basis. We can also offer help to anyone who wants to learn to play the ukulele. We can even provide the loan of a Ukulele, for anyone without an instrument.
There is a charge of £1 per session which includes a cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit.
We have built up a wide-ranging repertoire of songs old and new(ish). We try to perform each one better every time and we have a lot of FUN. The ukulele is designed to be as easy as possible to play - absolute beginners can master their first two chords and be strumming along with the rest of us in twenty minutes. We were all beginners not so long ago.
No ability to read music is needed although it does help if you know (or, with a little prompting, can remember) the tunes of popular songs of the 20th century. You bring the ukulele, we provide the song sheets. Lots of song sheets!
Meets: once every week on tuesday from 10:00 to 12:00
Venue: Inn on the Green
Art Appreciation (accepting new members)
The Art Appreciation group studies art history up to the beginning of the 20th century.
We focus on a theme for a September-to-July programme, such as Dutch and Spanish Golden Ages, French painting, Italian art, British painting and Russian art. Group members are invited to contribute, introducing an artist or theme illustrated by relevant paintings.
Usually there are three volunteers per meeting so preparation is not too onerous and we like time for discussion. We use a digital projector and screen to show pictures at meetings. It is helpful if volunteers have computer access to collect illustrations they want to show us, but this is not essential.
This year, the Art Appreciation group is studying Spanish art.
It has been truly amazing when many of the artists have been unknown to us and it has been great fun, with, on occasion, some hilarity in discovering about their lives and types of painting. We have therefore learnt a lot about Spanish Art but also about Spanish history, culture and geography as well.
We always welcome new members. There is a small charge to cover the hire of the room and refreshments.
Meets: once every month on 2nd tuesday from 10:00 to 12:00
Venue: Shrewsbury United Reform Church
Cinema (accepting new members)
The Cinema group is a fairly small, friendly group, who enjoy going to films, and then discussing what they have seen.
We dont necessarily see the films together (although members often do make arrangements with each other), but when it suits each of us, and then we meet up to discuss what we have seen. We choose 2 or 3 films each month which we all try to see. We use the Old Market Hall programme primarily, but also keep an eye on what is on at Cineworld, including the National Theatre screenings.
Occasionally we find that we are virtually all in agreement about a film, but more often there are varying views and this makes for a lively and interesting discussion and the opportunity, perhaps, to consider aspects of a film which we had not initially appreciated. Discussions range from aspects of cinematography, actor and director, through to wider issues raised by the storyline.
Meets: once every month on 3rd tuesday from 10:30 to 12:00
Venue: Louise House
Classical Music Appreciation (accepting waiting list members)
Meets: once every month on 3rd thursday from 14:00 to 16:00
Venue: Member's Home
Jazz Appreciation (accepting new members)
The Jazz Appreciation group meets once a month to listen to and discuss a wide range of Jazz.
Our sessions are quite varied and involve contributions from all of the members. We generally pick a topic and the members play something from their collection that typifies the topic subject.
Recent topics have included reviews of some of the famous Jazz Record Labels, Blue Note, Prestige, Riverside for example. We have had sessions featuring specific instruments like the tenor and alto saxophones.
The music we listen to is selected by the group members and as a result we cover various time periods from the back catalogue of Jazz releases. Mainly we go from the 40’s through to the 2000’s. There is plenty of informative and enjoyable discussion regarding the music we listen to and love.
We are actively looking for new members from within the U3A and beyond.
We have our own Facebook group, this is the link;
Here you can get an idea of what we listen to and find topical Jazz news and local events.
Meets: once every month on 1st tuesday from 14:00 to 16:00
Venue: Member's Home
Looking at Art (accepting new members)
Looking at Art is a small group that has been meeting since April 2012.
Individual members take turns at researching an aspect of their chosen subject, either painters or a particular period of art, and then present their findings to the other members usually by PowerPoint. Currently each member in their turn has a free choice of subject for their research which makes for a interesting mix
Meets: once every month on 2nd tuesday from 14:00 to 00:00
Venue: Member's Home
Modern Art History (accepting new members)
The Modern Art History group began meeting in 2005 with aim of looking at movements and artists from Impressionism onwards.
Over the past 15 years, we have worked our way up to contemporary artists. However, the addition of new members each year means that a number have missed artists and art movements that they would have liked to have studied. The result has been the development of a more eclectic programme.
Since 2015/16, half the meetings are on post 1945 artists and half on revisiting earlier artists.
In a typical meeting, 2 members will volunteer to talk about a particular artist/movement and show pictures for the whole group to discuss. Time allowing, another member will also talk about a particular picture/art work.
With the aid of a laptop and projector, members of the group introduce various artists and movements to the rest of us as a basis for lively discussion.
No previous knowledge is assumed and all are welcome.
Our coordinator will be delighted to talk to anyone interested in joining us.
Documents relating to our group can be found at:
Meets: once every month on 4th wednesday from 14:00 to 00:00
Venue: Louise House
Music Appreciation 2
As none of the group members of Music Appreciation 2 come from a trained musical background we prefer to use the title 'The Enjoyment of Music Group' as it is a more accurate portrayal of what happens at our meetings.
We enjoy the sharing of personal musical favourites in the hope that they will also become the favourites of others.
Some sessions are entirely led by individual group members, such as 'An Afternoon with Mozart' or 'The Beauty of Combined Voices'. At others everyone brings one or two pieces they like and which they associate with the theme of that particular meeting. 'Music in Films', 'A Musical Tourist to Vienna' and 'The Satanic and the Angelic in Music' are three typical examples.
The group has enjoyed another varied and interesting year out at Yockleton. Some extremely well researched and well-presented sessions have been led by individual members, including a wonderful insight into Greek Music and its links with 20th Century history, a fascinating examination of brass in orchestral and band repertoires, also music from the Wurlitzer and its significance in popular culture. Other sessions have included Music & Revolution, Sir Thomas Beechams wit and lollipops, and favourites from one members collection of CDs. Last year's Christmas lunch at The Yockleton Arms and a group visit to the live screening of The Nut-Cracker Ballet, together with a variety of home-made cakes are indications of why this is such a popular group.
It currently has a full complement of ten members.
Meets: once every month on 4th monday from 10:00 to 00:00
Venue: Member's Home
Poetry Appreciation 1
A poem is 'a machine made of words', according to the American poet W.C.Williams.
At Poetry Appreciation 1, sometimes we've found the 'machines' judder and halt - as in our sessions on Chaucer and Emily Dickinson, though the cogs, levers and pulleys of their poems were running more smoothly after our discussion.
In the past few months, our verbal spanners and screwdrivers have been at work on the poetry of Carol Ann Duffy, Pablo Neruda, Tennyson, Owen Sheers, Simon Armitage, Milton, Shakespeare, Elizabeth Bishop, and poems about such topics as towns and cities, growing up, travel and birds.
We also have a regular 'mystery poem' and 'desert island poems' sessions. We have argued a lot. But, as someone once said, "Poetry will find consensus where politics never can".
Meets: once every month on 1st wednesday from 14:00 to 16.00
Venue: Bayston Hill Methodist Centre
Poetry Workshop (accepting new members)
We meet in a friendly, informal atmosphere to discuss poetry and share our own work. We offer constructive criticism hoping that this will develop and improve our work. But it is non-threatening; supportive and encouraging. We try to write something new each month and either send it to other members of the group in advance or bring copies to the meeting. Inevitably, as well as a critique of the poems we discuss more general aspects of poetry and often a poem leads us to a discussion about the context or focus of the poem.
Meets: once every month on 1st friday from 11:00 to 13:00
Venue: Member's Home
Theatre Trips (accepting waiting list members)
Two or three times a year we arrange a trip to a theatre within a two hour coach journey from Shrewsbury. We choose matinee performances so that we arrive at the venue in time for lunch and get home again for supper. Recent performances have included \"Constant Companions\" at the New Vic Theatre, Newcastle-under-Lyme and \"Noises off\" at the Festival Theatre, Malvern.
Trips are advertised at the monthly U3A meetings, in the Newsletter and on the U3A Facebook page. A contact list of people interested is also maintained by the coordinators to give advance warning of a proposed trip, but the trips are open to any Shrewsbury U3A member. If interested please contact the Coordinators or
Venue: Various
Calligraphy (accepting waiting list members)
Meeting from January, 2024 will be at Radbrook Community Centre on the second Tuesday 9th Jan and every two weeks . From 10-12 with a few date exceptions
The dates will be : Jan 9th and 23rd., Feb 6th and 20th. March 5th and 19th. April 2nd, 16th and 30th. , May 14th and 28th. And every two weeks until early Dec.
Venue: Radbrook Community Centre
Classic and Vintage Vehicles (accepting waiting list members)
The group is intended for members who share an interest in all types of Classic and Vintage Vehicles and would like to meet up with others who have a similar interest to chat about all things relating to the subject including, for example general maintenance, faults and repairs , upcoming shows and possible group visits.
It is not necessary to own a vehicle of this type.
Meets: once every month on 2nd monday from 14:00 to 16:00
Clock Repairing for Beginners (accepting waiting list members)
This group is for those of us who would like to breathe life back into "old" mechanical mantle clocks - we are hobbyists not professional clock repairers and we learn knowledge and skills from and with each other.
You do not need to have lots of tools or a workshop - just a wish to have fun and experience the joy of hearing a broken clock ticking again.
Pendulum clocks, whether spring or weight driven, can be tackled but those with balance wheel escapements where the escapement mechanism is damaged are beyond our capability.
Venue: Member's Home
Computer Club 01 (accepting waiting list members)
The Computer Club
The computer club exists to share knowledge and help those people who are wishing to learn more about their computer/s
A few of our group are keen enthusiasts with a lot of knowledge, but we find that everyone has something to contribute. In general, the first half of the meeting is often a presentation covering some aspect of computer use, either from a guest speaker or from within our own members, but our most valuable feature is the open session where we ask questions and share ideas. Please note we do not offer one to one tuition, but we will all try and help you fix a problem. It is not unknown for one of our more experienced members to take over your computer at home to help solve any issues.
Bring your laptop, notebook or tablet as generally we try to make part of the session a practical session, note though that they should be charged up in readiness, as the number of plug sockets is limited (although we do have a pile of extension leads).
The Memorial Hall (where we meet) provide free internet access so you can get online if the session requires it. There is a boiler to make tea and coffee for our mid session break. We pay to use the hall, so consequently there is a monthly charge to cover these fees. Currently our membership is at a maximum but fear not, our sister group \"Computer Club 02\" does have spaces. They meet on the 1st Thursday of the month at the Tesco Community Room.
Meets: once every month on 3rd tuesday from 14:00 to 16:00
Venue: Bayston Hill Memorial Hall
Computer Club 02 (accepting new members)
Computer Club 2 meet on the first Thursday of each month in The Shrewsbury Tesco Community Room at 2pm. Currently room use is free, and there are tea and coffee making facilities.
Members are asked (if they wish) to bring their laptop computer, iPad, Android Pad, or smartphone. The room has access to Tesco’s Wi-Fi network so all equipment can be connected.
No prior IT knowledge is required to join the group; indeed, we welcome members across the whole spectrum of knowledge from expert to novice!
Topics covered are largely driven by what members request. For example, members may want to know more about word processors, spreadsheets, email, basic photo editing, etc.
The meeting format will take the form of a presentation in the first half, a refreshment break, and then an ‘open forum’ where members’ IT problems can be discussed, and hopefully resolved.
We are open for new members and look forward to seeing you!
Meets: once every month on 1st thursday from 14:00 to 16:00
Venue: Tesco Community Room
Family History (accepting waiting list members)
For beginners and those with experience alike. Discover your family\'s past.
We meet at the Taste of Shrewsbury, Mardol on the First and third Wednesday of the month. 1000 for 1030. Starting Sept 6th., 2023.
Co-ordinator: Phill Yeend
Venue: Taste of Shrewsbury
Map Reading (accepting new members)
This group will focus on reading and interpreting Ordnance Survey maps. It is likely to be of special interest to walkers. It was agreed that the course would last for 5 meetings and to be held every 2 weeks from 10:00 - 12:00hrs. Topics covered during the course include: Understanding types of OS maps, OS map symbols, grid references, contours, measuring distances on a map, using a compass, planning and following a route using a compass, the use of digital software apps on Smart Phones to plan and follow a route.
Meets: twice every month on 1st wednesday from 10:00 to 12:00 and 3rd wednesday from 10:00 to 12:00
Reading 1 (accepting waiting list members)
From a choice of books offered by Shrewsbury Library members of the Reading 1 group select 12, aiming to read some books outside our comfort zone to broaden our horizons.
Each month we read one of these before the meeting then, on the day, we discuss its strengths and weaknesses. It is stimulating, and revealing when we are not in agreement. It reinforces the argument that while our individual thoughts are invaluable, they can often be prejudiced too.
Discussion of the book leads us naturally on to the issues it has highlighted.
We're a friendly, relaxed group and we have lots of laughs.
Meets: once every month on 4th wednesday from 14:00 to 16:00
Venue: Member's Home
Reading 2 (accepting waiting list members)
Another twelve months of interesting reading and enjoyable discussions has passed by for the Reading 2 group.
When asked by the Shrewsbury U3A Editor to put together a \"piece\" for the newsletter we initially said, \"What do we do, we just read!\" But then \"what do we read?\" An interesting discussion followed and from titles and names put in we suddenly realised that we have considerably widened the scope and style of our reading choices since we first got together, some years ago now.
This year we have learned a lot from reading books such as \"Colour Bar\", (recently a film), about politics in Southern Africa; \"The Story of Lucy Gault (William Trevor) about the troubles in Ireland; how to collect marbles in \"The Marble Collector\" by Cecilia Aherne; the gossip about Charles Dickens\' secret mistress in Claire Tomalin\'s \"The Invisible Woman\"!
We try to keep up to date on the latest reviews and take it in turns to suggest titles, which we decide on by consensus. We may not always like the same topics but the sharing of our ideas means we have a good variety of things to talk over.
We were sorry to lose one of our long-standing members early this year when she left to live in France but we keep her in the picture and enjoy her emails.
What will we read this coming year? Who knows yet, but I am sure it will be well worth making the effort.
Meets: once every month on 1st wednesday from 10:00 to 00:00
Stitching (accepting waiting list members)
The purpose of the group is to enable like minded members to participate in a range of craft activities such as embroidery, quilting, dressmaking techniques, knitting and crochet, sharing knowledge and skills in a social setting.
Meets: twice every month on 2nd monday from 10.30 to 12:30 and 4th monday from 10:30 to 12:30
Venue: Member's Home
Backgammon (accepting new members)
Our group has been running since 2017 and continues to thrive. We survived Covid and managed to continue playing together via an online site which was secure for all of our Backgammon members. However, there is always room for more members. We currently have a lovely group of ladies and gentlemen who have a wide range of experience of playing Backgammon. New members are always welcome to join us for a trial session/s before comitting. Those more experienced players do a great job of sharing their expertise and improving our beginners. If you are interested in coming to join us or just to see if this is 'your thing' please contact me. It is always great to welcome new members. It is a very relaxed group and lots of fun.
Our group meets three times every month 2nd and 4th Monday and on the 1st Thursday of the month. Each session runs from 10am until 12 noon and is held at Inn on the Green, Radbrook.
Parking is available adjacent to the pub in their private car park or in Radbrook Green Shopping area (go to the far end of the car park near to the recycling point). You do not need to pay for parking.
How to get there: If you are travelling by bus: Number 20 bus for Radbrook leaves Bus station 9.35 goes out over the Welsh Bridge, Frankwell island.
Bus stop just opposite Inn on the Green and Co-op.
Return journey: Buses leave from opposite the Co-Op: Number 20 at 12.21pm going back into town. (please check times for accuracy as they do change periodically).
Coffee and tea are provided by the venue for a contribution of £1 per person or soft drinks can be purchased from the bar.
If you are interested in joining our vibrant, friendly group please do get in touch.
I look forward to welcoming you.
Members are asked to bring along a board, if they have one. But don't worry if you don't have one. We always have enough to share. Novice players to more experienced... all levels welcomed! Hope to see you soon!
Meets: three times every month on 2nd monday from 10:00 to 12:00 and 4th monday from 10:00 to 12:00 and 1st thursday from 10:00 to 12:00
Venue: Inn on the Green
Board Games (accepting new members)
A group which will appeal to enthusiasts of board games such as Carcassonne and Ticket to Ride and many others.. The group meets at various locations on the second and fourth Fridays of the month. Contact the co-ordinator for further details.
Venue: Various
Bridge 1 (accepting new members)
The Bridge 1 group consists of people with a variety of card play ability. Some have played bridge for forty years, others for one or two years.
Acquiring the bridge skills may have started at university or college, or by learning from friends, joining a club, and buying a book, or just simply joining a U3A group following retirement.
Our group started very small some years ago, and met in members homes but numbers increased so we now meet in a set venue. We are relaxed and easy going, taking pleasure sometimes in analysing the hand played, to see how it could have been played better, and partners are randomly selected so we increase our knowledge and experience.
Some of our number want a more competitive play, so in addition to the group, they join a club as well. Others take lessons to enable them to improve and then impart their new experience to others. We learn from each other. Bridge is not just about skilful card play, it is about understanding the complex mode of communication between partners called the auction in which players vie with their opponents to take control of the dealt hand and become declarer. A defender, however, if clever and with card distribution in his favour, can outwit the Declarer. No two hands are ever the same.
We welcome new members, especially those who just want to come and give it a go and see what we\'re like.
Meets: once every week on tuesday from 10:00 to 12:00
Venue: Bayston Hill Methodist Centre
Bridge 3 (accepting waiting list members)
We are a friendly, welcoming group who play duplicate bridge. Picking partners allows us to experience playing with a variety of players. Most players are improvers and happy to discuss bidding after play has finished. We are not accepting new members at present.
Meets: once every week on friday from 10:00 to 12:00
Venue: Inn on the Green
Bridge 4 (accepting waiting list members)
We are a very friendly group who were beginners but are now improvers who are confident in the principles, bidding and playing of the game.
Pre pandemic there were about 20 of us in the group. We are now close to our maximum number for the venue. We pick for partners, play duplicate and score. Picking for partners gives us all experience in playing with and against a variety of players.
Meets: once every week on wednesday from 10:00 to 12:00
Venue: Inn on the Green
Contract Whist (accepting new members)
The group aims to create a convivial environment in which to learn and develop the skills of contract whist. The number of players in a playing group is between 3 and 7. The group meets for 1-2 hours twice a month at The Inn on the Green, Radbrook at 2pm.
In contract whist players compete individually. An understanding of the rules of ordinary (partner) whist is required.
Meets: twice every month on 1st monday from 2:00 to 4:00 and 3rd monday from 2:00 to 4:00
Venue: Inn on the Green
Cryptic Crosswords (accepting new members)
The group meets at the Coordinator’s home every 4 th Wednesday. The Coordinator selects a variety of cryptic crosswords from moderate to difficult from publications such as the Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph.
Meets: once every month on 4th wednesday from 14:00 to 16:00
Venue: Member's Home
We meet to learn and develop our skills in this fascinating game.
It is often thought that mahjong is a very difficult game to play. In fact, it is like a card game except you use tiles and build walls - experiencing it is the only way.
The group usually play regularly each Monday afternoon at Meole Brace Bowling Club.
The current group play a Hong Kong Chinese version of the game. This has reduced the number of combinations from the Western version often played by ex-pats and has a scoring system that is more simple.
Our enthusiasm as a group has led to the following:
1. Social festive lunches arranged around play at Xmas ,Easter and summer
2. Creative talents. One member has hand-embroidered several tablecloths to match individual Mah Jong sets.
3. A few members also play, calling in Chinese.
4. Members have volunteered to pass on their skills to set up a group playing at the main library in Shrewsbury.
Meets: once every week on monday from 14:00 to 16:00
Venue: Meole Brace Bowling Club
Advanced Spanish Conversation (accepting waiting list members)
This group will focus mainly on providing members with the opportunity to develop and improve their knowledge and skills in the use of the Spanish language, through practice in conversation and discussion. It is most suitable for those with some knowledge i.e. advanced beginners to intermediate learners but not absolute beginners.
Meets: twice every month on 1st tuesday from 10:00 to 11:30 and 3rd tuesday from 10:00 to 11:30
Venue: The Peach Tree
Ancient Greek (accepting new members)
The group coordinator has provided no information about this group.
Meets: twice every month on 2nd thursday from 10:00 to 00:00 and 4th thursday from 10:00 to 00:00
French Conversation 1 (accepting waiting list members)
The members of French Conversation 1 are mostly at the level of rusty \"O\" level French but we do our best to be disciplined and speak French throughout the meeting. We start with general conversation and then perhaps read and translate an article or play a word game. We finish with coffee and biscuits.
Meets: twice every month on 2nd thursday from 10:00 to 12:00 and 4th thursday from 10:00 to 12:00
Venue: Member's Home
French Conversation 3 (accepting waiting list members)
This group meets fortnightly to improve our French speaking skills through discussion in an informal and friendly atmosphere. Our members have different levels of ability and we aim to support each other.
Meets: once every fortnight on tuesday from 10:30 to 12:30
Venue: Member's Home
German (accepting new members)
This is a small, friendly group who meet to converse in German. There is usually a short German text to read followed by discussion.
Meets: twice every month on 2nd tuesday from 10:30 to 00:00 and 4th tuesday from 10:30 to 00:00
German Conversation (Intermediate) (accepting waiting list members)
A conversation group for intermediate/advanced speakers who are prepared to maximise their use of spoken German.
Meets: twice every month on 2nd wednesday from 10:00 to 12:00 and 4th wednesday from 10:00 to 12:00
Greek Holiday Conversation (accepting waiting list members)
This group is intended for members who would like to learn and /or improve their Greek language skills. Suitable for beginners onwards.
Meets: twice every month on 2nd monday from 14:00 to 16:00 and 4th monday from 14:00 to 16:00
Venue: Member's Home
Italian (accepting waiting list members)
The Italian group is suitable for those at an intermediate level of Italian. The aim of the group is to enjoy improving skills in all aspect of the Italian language. Members have studied Italian for a number of years and are at a level described as \\\'intermediate\\\' (B1-B2)
During our weekly meetings (Tuesday 2.00-4.00pm) we engage in a variety of interesting and engaging activities to help us learn the language and about Italian culture. The first half of each meeting is usually spent reading, translating and discussing an Italian short story or other text. After a short coffee break we then usually look at an Italian vlog, a piece from Easy Italian News or use material from another source. We aim to have fun but at the same time to be enthusiastic about improving our Italian language skills. We try to speak Italian throughout the whole of each meeting.
If you are interested in joining the group please contact the coordinator who will be able to provide more detailed information about the activities of the group. At the moment, the group is full, but we are operating a waiting list.
Meets: once every week on tuesday from 14:00 to 16:00
Venue: Member's Home
Italian Improvers (accepting new members)
We are a small group who enjoy brushing up on the Italian language.
We are making steady progress but with strictly no pressure; the emphasis is on making learning a fun activity.
At our meetings, keeping to a basic level, we follow text book exercises, revising vocabulary and useful verbs. We translate passages from various publications and devise other activities to make learning interesting and to help to express ourselves in the language.
We use a laptop to listen to native speakers.
This is also a social group and we meet for lunch occasionally.
We have 2 spaces.
Meets: twice every month on 2nd wednesday from 10:00 to 00:00 and 4th wednesday from 10:00 to 00:00
Italiano (accepting waiting list members)
The Italiano Group focus is mainly on building confidence with conversation plus bits of reading, listening and grammar at intermediate level to enable everyone to keep making progress. Meetings on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays 10 -12 noon, initially at Coordinator\'s house.
We are sorry but we are not accepting new members at the moment. We have to limit the size of the group to enable meetings to be held in members\' houses.
You can ask to be added to the waiting list.:
If all three Italian groups have people waiting, or if the current groups are not the right level for you, we will willingly help a new group to get started with support from the New Groups Co-ordinator.
Meets: twice every month on 1st thursday from 10:00 to 12:00 and 3rd thursday from 10:00 to 12:00
Venue: Member's Home
Latin (accepting new members)
The Latin group began over six years ago. The group is led by our esteemed and knowledgeable coordinator Sue. We are a small group of 11 dedicated and lively members.
Our introduction to Latin began with Cambridge Latin Course book 1. We are now at the end of Book 111, ready to start on Book 1V. The course has taken us to the city of Pompeii, Roman Britain, Egypt and Imperial Rome. Learning Latin is fun but hard work sometimes. We have adopted a light-hearted approach with plenty of friendly discussion to keep the spirit high.
We are often asked, why Latin? Latin is a superb educational tool and one of the best ways of learning about Language. It provided the means by which Greek and Roman ideas and culture could spread throughout the west. It has had a powerful and lasting effect upon nearly all European languages including our own English language.
If you have desire to learn this great language, you will find it a rich source of enlightenment and pleasure.
We all get our refreshments from the bar and then spend about two hours studying. This will include digressions on Roman history, aspects of Roman society such as slavery, imperialism, the army and religion, among others.
We also trace the origins of English vocabulary in the Latin, which is always fascinating, when contributions from group members are very welcome.
We have a lot of fun but when brain death seems to be ensuing, we stop.
Meets: twice every month on 1st thursday from 11:00 to 13:00 and 3rd thursday from 11:00 to 13:00
Parlez -vous Francais?
This French conversation group will do what it says on the tin. If you can speak French at a conversational level and wish to chat with others over a cup of coffee on a variety of subjects, this group might be for you. A friendly, supportive group where we can interact with each other to improve our fluency and learn new vocabulary along the way.
Meets: twice every month on 2nd monday from i0:30 to 12:00 and 4th monday from 10:30 to 12:00
Venue: Member's Home
Russian Language (accepting new members)
Russian is a very rich, flexible and important language spoken widely in Eastern Europe and beyond. Once a basic knowledge of the alphabet, pronunciation and a mobile stress system has been mastered, the delights and pleasure afforded by getting to grips with this new world are endless. Since the need to write Russian is remote, any classes would concentrate on speaking, listening and reading. It is important to say what your level is so that classes can be planned accordingly.
Meets: twice every month on 2nd monday from 10:00 to 12:00 and 4th monday from 10:00 to 12:00
Venue: Member's Home
Welsh for Beginners (accepting new members)
This new group has been proposed to enable interested members to learn the basics of the Welsh language.
The existing Welsh language group has been running for some years now and is unable to take beginners.
Meets: twice every month on 1st wednesday from 10:00 to 12:00 and 3rd wednesday from 10:00 to 12:00
Venue: Tesco Community Room
Welsh Intermediate (accepting waiting list members)
This group is a self-study group, using DVDs and tutorial materials. We have been going now for more than 5 years and have moved on from Beginners Welsh
Meets: twice every month on 1st tuesday from 11:00 to 12:00 and 3rd tuesday from 11:00 to 12:00
Badminton (accepting new members)
The group will be meeting to play twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Mondays at Shrewsbury Sports Village Sundorne from 3.00 to 4.00pm. For further details, please contact the Group Coordinator Cynthia Hedley on
Meets: twice every month on 1st monday from 15:00 to 16:00 and 4th monday from 15:00 to 16:00
Venue: Shrewsbury Sports Village
Cycling (accepting new members)
We formed in July 2017 and since 2020 it was agreed to meet every Wednesday instead of alternate weeks. Currently we meet at The Stop Cafe, Greyfriars, Shrewsbury at 10.00 am. Members suggest routes and so far they have included ones to Upton Magna, Attingham, Haughmond, Longden, Pontesbury, Wellington, Hadnall. We try to factor in a coffee stop en route. We are of mixed cycling experience on average cycling about 20 miles mainly on quiet roads. Sometimes we venture further clocking up 30+ miles. We are always looking for new routes and recently we cycled to the Potting Shed at Crew Green. During lockdown a couple of members decided they would not carry on so we were able to add a couple of new people and look forward to them joining us soon.
Meets: once every week on wednesday from 10:00 to
Venue: Stop Café
Cycling 2 (accepting new members)
The group will be open to mixed ability cyclists, the fastest among the group always waiting at key points for slower members to catch up, ensuring that no one gets lost or left behind with the aim being social as well as for exercise. Coffee stops are mandatory!
Please note that members are responsible for their own safety and maintenance of their bicycle and for wearing suitable easily visible/bright clothing - a helmet is recommended.
Meets: once every week on thursday from 10:00 to 13:30
Venue: Stop Café
Golf Croquet (accepting new members)
The Golf Croquet group was formed in 2011 and we have all enjoyed learning a new skill and had some good laughs. It is not like the strict game of croquet with lots of rules but more of a fun game.
Each season starts in April and we play on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month from April to the end of August, starting at 6 pm each evening.
Meets: twice every month on 2nd thursday from 18:00 to 20:00 and 4th thursday from 18:00 to 20:00
Venue: Shrewsbury Croquet Club
Indoor Bowling (accepting new members)
Sessions are held each week on a Thursday at the Indoor Bowling Centre at Sundorne Sports Village for 1 hour from 12 noon to avoid clashing with league games, held during winter months October - March
Meets: once every week on thursday from 12:00 to 13:00
Venue: Shrewsbury Sports Village
Nature Watch 1 (accepting waiting list members)
The Nature Watch (NW) Group has a different experience every month but all are about learning together and sharing our experience and interests. Indoor meetings (arranged for the inclement months of January and November) are built around illustrated talks, often led by invited specialists.
Outdoor meetings take us in our shared cars to a wide range of locations, each fascinating in its own way. We stroll through some surprisingly rich habitats and discover what supports or damages them, what plants and creatures thrive in them and how they came about through or despite the behaviour of mankind. We have ample opportunity to use binoculars and cameras to see more and make a durable record of sites visited. When people choose, there can be a stop for coffee or lunch on the way home.
Very occasionally it is possible to organise a coach trip to somewhere not so local.
Meets: once every month on 4th tuesday from 10:30 to 00:00
Venue: Outdoors
Nature Watch 2 (accepting waiting list members)
Our programme for 2025 is:-
5th Feb, Visit to Attingham Park to view the snowdrops. -
5th March, Visit to The Ercall in Telford. -
2nd April, Visit to The Aqualate Mere, Newport. -
7th May, Visit to Ellesmere to view the Herons. -
4th June, Visit to Whixall Moss to view Hobbies. -
2nd July, A return visit to Prees Heath to view the butterflies. -
6th August, Canal walk at Llanymynech. -
3rd Sept, The Stiperstones. -
1st Oct, Venus Pool. -
5th Nov, Abbey Woods, Haughmond. -
3rd Dec, Bayston Hill quarry.
Meeting times to be agreed nearer the meeting date.
Meets: once every month on 1st wednesday from 10:00 to 12:00
Venue: To be decided
Petanque (accepting new members)
The u3a Petanque group meets at the Shelton Cricket Club car park on alternate Tuesdays from 10am until 12 noon and play all year round, in the summer and throughout the Winter, weather permitting (members are notified). Members are required to bring their own boules, jacks and scorers, although there is a set available to enable new participants to try out the game. Toilet facilities are not available. It is recommended that players bring a garden chair, if required, as there is no seating. A donation of £1 per player per session is requested as a donation to the Cricket Club for providing the venue.
Meets: once every week on alternate tuesday from 10:00 to 12:00
Venue: Outdoors
Pickleball (Intermediate) (accepting waiting list members)
This Group plays pickleball for fun on Mondays 1730 to 1900 at Meole Brace school, Shrewsbury. The standard is now intermediate so unfortunately we do not have the capacity to accept beginners.
Meets: once every week on monday from 17:30 to 19:00
Venue: Meole Brace School
Table Tennis 1 (accepting waiting list members)
We meet 10am-12noon every Friday at Bicton Heath (known as Gains Park) Community Hall.
This is a popular mixed ability group although it is a fairly active one.
We play doubles on three tables. The losers join the end of a waiting queue and winners stay on their table for a further game but take new partners. The turnaround is fairly quick so that people in the queue don\'t have long to wait to play.
We have a chance to socialise at our coffee break, halfway through the meeting.
All members are expected to help arrange furniture (set up the room) or serve drinks or wash up after the coffee break.
Although the waiting list is open, the wait may be a very long time. >(updated Dec 2023).
Meets: once every week on friday from 10:00 to 12:00
Venue: Bicton Heath Community Centre
Table Tennis 2 (accepting waiting list members)
This is a small group who want to play singles as opposed to doubles, and due to the nature of this activity we restrict our numbers so waiting time is minimised. Contact Hugh Ashworth
Meets: once every fortnight on tuesday from 10.30 to 12.30
Venue: Bicton Heath Community Centre
Table Tennis 3 (accepting waiting list members)
This group meets fortnightly on Tuesdays, 10:30 to 12:30 at Bicton Heath (Gains Park) Community Hall.
We play doubles on three tables.
It\'s a mixed ability group and although we play to win we try not to be too upset when we don\'t.
Venue: Bicton Heath Community Centre
Table Tennis 4 (accepting waiting list members)
This is a mixed ability group although it is a fairly active one. We play doubles on three tables. The losers join the end of a waiting queue and winners stay on their table for a further game but take new partners. The turnaround is fairly quick so that people in the queue don't have long to wait to play. Please note the group will meet every Friday from 12 noon until 2.00pm.
Meets: three times every month on 2nd friday from 12:00 to 2:00 and 3rd friday from 12:00 to 2:00 and 4th friday from 12:00 to 2:00
Venue: Bicton Heath Community Centre
Table Tennis 5 (accepting new members)
We meet for 2 hours at SUNDORNE SPORTS VILLAGE 1pm - 3pm
Our main priority is to have FUN.
There are six tables available and we play
Singles & Doubles.
We are a mixed ability group.
Meets: once every week on thursday from 13:00 to 15:00
Venue: Shrewsbury Sports Village
Touch Tennis (accepting new members)
Touch Tennis
Touch Tennis (sometimes called “Short Tennis”) is played on a badminton size court., but with a lower net.
You play using a child sized tennis racquet and a soft sponge ball. It has all the benefits of playing normal tennis such as gaining and maintaining flexibility, coordination, competitiveness and agility, and of course it is great fun. It is great for anyone who can no longer run round a full size tennis court but still enjoys hitting a ball. Scoring is slightly different to normal tennis, such as only one serve a point, no ‘let cord’, no advantage point after deuce (next point wins).
Touch Tennis is quite addictive and a great sport for someone new to the game, as the rules are easy to pick up and obviously it is a much slower game than normal tennis which makes it perfect for those wanting to maintain their overall fitness levels in a socially fun environment with like‑minded people.
We play at Shrewsbury Sports Village Sundorne Road.
Meets: twice every month on 1st friday from 14:30 to 16:3000 and 3rd friday from 14:30 to 16:30
Venue: Shrewsbury Sports Village
Walkers 1 (accepting new members)
We walk between five and seven miles on the first and third Thursday every month and we also walk when there is a fifth Thursday in the month. We meet before the walk to arrange car sharing in order to minimise the number of cars being driven to the start of the walk. Most walks end with a pub lunch for those who like to stay on for it although sometimes, on longer walks or in the summer, we take picnic lunches. The walks vary from flat to hilly and members of the group take turns in leading. We still have space for a few more members who would like to explore with us the glorious Shropshire countryside we are so lucky to have on our doorstep.
Meets: twice every month on 1st thursday from 09:30 to 00:00 and 3rd thursday from 09:30 to 00:00
Venue: Outdoors
Walkers 2 (Hill Strollers) (accepting new members)
The Walkers 2 Hill Strollers group meets at the Meole Brace Park & Ride.
We try to combine good scenery, a goodly trek (6 to 8 miles with some hills) and an interesting lunch, preferably at some suitable watering hole for the weary traveller. We are now almost fully subscribed but you are welcome to come along for a testing little trek with a small but perfectly formed gathering of convivial folk.
Remember, there is no such thing as bad weather - only inappropriate clothing.
Pictures from our group can be found at:
Documents relating to our group can be found at:
Meets: once every week on thursday from 09:15 to 00:00
Venue: Outdoors
Walking Football (accepting new members)
Walking football is a variant of association football that is aimed at keeping people aged over 50 involved with football if, due to a lack of mobility or for other reasons, they are not able to play the traditional game. The game is suitable for both men and women, is non contact and great fun. The group play at the Monkmoor Recreation Centre each Tuesday evening.
Meets: once every week on tuesday from 5:00 to 6:00
Venue: Monkmoor Recreation Ground
Walks (5th Wed) (accepting new members)
This is a friendly group which walks on the 5th Wednesday of the month (4 walks per year), to fill the gaps when Medium Hilly Walks Group doesn't operate.
The walks will be between 6 and 8 miles with varying degrees of difficulty details of which will be made available before each walk.
Some of the walks might be on the edge of the county or a little bit further. A coffee and picnic break will be taken. It is not a requirement that members need to lead a walk.
We will usually meet at Meole Brace Park and Ride at 9.15 for 9.30 am and leave as a group sharing vehicles. Alternatively walkers can make their own arrangements for car sharing.
Venue: Outdoors
Walks Just Walking (accepting new members)
The Just Walking group has been appropriately named because, unlike the other walking groups, we do not finish with a pub lunch, instead taking a picnic en route. This enables us to be more flexible, not having to rush the walks to meet a pub booking time. We meet most Mondays in the year except some bank holidays.
We walk between 5 and 7 miles, sometimes a bit more, at a steady pace, stopping to take in views, catch our breath and discuss objects of interest.
We try to make the walks interesting and varied. We have enjoyed many walks in the past year ranging over the Shropshire hills, valleys and lowlands. Although we have been rained on, we have always managed to eat our picnic more or less \"outside\".
We have a policy of every member taking it in turns to lead a walk of their choice on an agreed date, approximately twice a year.
We meet either at Meole Brace P and R a little after 9am to share lifts, or at the walk start to begin walking by 10am.
We are always interested in members who will walk regularly and lead walks .
Pictures from our group can be found at
Venue: Outdoors
Walks Medium 1 (accepting new members)
The Walks Medium 1 group consists of around 25 members who enjoy walking together and having lunch afterwards.
We walk for about 5 miles enjoying the countryside and conversation, then go to a country pub. We like a bit of a challenge to raise our heart-rate.
We value members\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' contributions to our knowledge of the wildlife, industrial archaeology, local history and geology as we go.
Our numbers are of a convenient size for lunch at small characterful pubs.
Pictures from our group can be found at:
Meets: twice every month on 2nd thursday from 09:30 to 00:00 and 4th thursday from 09:30 to 00:00
Venue: Outdoors
Walks Medium 2 (accepting waiting list members)
Members of the Walks Medium 2 group walk for approximately two to two-and-a-half hours covering an approximate maximum distance of five miles.
Walks normally take place within the county but we have been known to stray over the border into Wales. The pace of walking can be described as fairly leisurely and we tend not to do any too strenuous walks involving hills and mountains, generally sticking to low undulating areas.
All walks are planned, organised and led by individual members or jointly with another. On average this would result in members organising at least one walk per year. If members commence at the Park and Ride they share lifts to minimise expenditure and to enjoy one another\'s company. Rates payable to the drivers are in accordance with those set out by the U3A.
The best part of the day for many members is that, on completion of the walk, we participate in lunch and some light refreshment in a local pub before returning home.
To summarize: members enjoy getting out and about in the countryside, participating in a reasonable amount of gentle exercise, visiting some good pubs and, above all, enjoying each other\'s company.
Pictures from our group can be found at:
Meets: twice every month on 1st thursday from 09:30 to 00:00 and 3rd thursday from 09:30 to 00:00
Venue: Outdoors
Walks Medium Hilly (accepting waiting list members)
We walk on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each month, meeting to car share at Meole Brace Park & Ride or directly to the start point for the walk, usually within 40 minutes drive from Shrewsbury.
Car sharing is encouraged to save cost and parking is sometimes limited at the start of the walk.
The walks offer a variety of terrain usually 5 - 6.5 miles in distance, with ascents and descents. Rough terrain and stiles may also be encountered. We walk at a steady pace but always have time for a coffee break as well as pauses to allow the group to keep together and take photos.
We ask for volunteers to choose and to lead walks. The leader chooses a route and we stop during the walk for refreshments. The leader will decide if we end the walk with a pub lunch. Details of distance and other details are emailed out to members a few days in advance.
We are a friendly group and if you’d like to know more, please get in touch with Jonathan Mutch, our group coordinator We invite you to try a walk with us before you commit to joining the group.
We are currently full but, do enquire if you\'re interested in joining our waiting list.
Meets: twice every month on 1st wednesday from 09:30 to 15:00 and 3rd wednesday from 09:30 to 15:00
Venue: Outdoors
Walks Short (accepting new members)
We walk leisurely for about 3 miles in and around Shrewsbury, We try to limit hills to ones that are not steep and to avoid difficult stiles, and we take time to enjoy the views and appreciate nature.
Some of the places we have been to are: Loton Park, various bits of the Montgomery Canal, Craven Arms and Stokesay, Bridges walk over the Severn at Shrewsbury, Eastridge Woods, Nesscliffe and The Cliffe, Longden, The Ercall, Haughmond Hill, Welshpool and Powis Castle. We take it in turns to find and lead a walk.
We no longer organise a pub lunch after the walk but some members arrange this between themselves. Some people bring a flask of coffee for when we take a short break.
We are accepting new members so please make contact.
Meets: twice every month on 1st thursday from 10:00 to 13:00 and 3rd thursday from 10:00 to 13:00
Venue: Outdoors
Category Leaders (accepting new members)
This group has been set up for anyone who is a Category Leader but not a Group Coordinator. It gives them the necessary permissions on Arda that allows them to become proficient at what Group Coords need to be able to do, so that they can provide instruction.
It also links the Category Leaders for ease of comms.
Breakfast at Shrewsburys (accepting new members)
Breakfast at Shrewsbury’s is a Shrewsbury U3A study group formed in July 2018. Group members arrange to meet on the first and third Saturdays in the month to enjoy a breakfast at one of the many independent cafés in Shrewsbury town centre. There are currently 30+ members of the group (November 2023) with about 12-18 members attending on any particular occasion.
The group members meet at the chosen establishment and you can either order a full English breakfast but our more sensible members pick a lighter or healthier offering.
The aim of the group is simply to enjoy good food in good company, support local trade and start the Saturday in the best possible way. The group will always choose locally-run establishments and aim to steer clear of national chains.
As a Shrewsbury U3A member, you don't have to formally join the Breakfast at Shrewsbury’s group, just turn up if you are in the mood. Members are notified monthly by email, there’s no need to send your apologies if you can’t make it, nor reserve a place if you can.
We always welcome any Shrewsbury u3a members and their friends to join us.
Meets: twice every month on 1st saturday from 9:30 to 11:00 and 3rd saturday from 9:30 to 11:00
Venue: Various
Discover Shropshire Lunch 2
We discover towns and places in Shropshire . We visit pubs and restaurants for lunch with a small group of up to 16 people. Good food and great company once a month. We meet on the last Wednesday of the month from 10.30am for a coffee and then explore the area and join back together for lunch until 2.30pm. This group is now full.
Meets: once every month on last wednesday from 10:30 to 2:30
Discovering Shropshire Lunch 1
Our group is a follow-on from our successful Sunday Lunch Group 1. Group members asked for a weekday lunch once a month to travel further afield in Shropshire to discover the many excellent pubs dotted around the county. Occasionally we venture over the border into Wales especially in the Summer months. We have a maximum of 8 members in the group to enable everyone to participate fully in the conversation. At the present time our group is up to strength so unfortunately we cannot accommodate any new members.
Carol M, co-ordinator
Meets: once every month on 1st wednesday from 12:00 to 15:00
Venue: Various
Discovering Shropshire Lunch 3 (accepting waiting list members and accepting new members)
Discover pubs and restaurants for lunch throughout Shropshire with a small group of up to 12. Good food and great company once a month.
Meets: once every month on 2nd thursday from 12.30 to 2.30
Exploring Mindfulness (accepting new members)
We begin with a 10/15 minute meditation. Members are invited to share their understanding of what they believe mindfulness is. This can allow some clarity to be shared on any misconceptions. We often share a piece from book or website we have seen, that allows a discussion on what we understand is being said and how helpful it was.
We will explore together how we feel it can be used in our daily life. Occasionally an issue is brought that is present and how meditation and mindfulness can bring some calm to our constant questioning in our minds. There could be a short enjoyable experiment with the group to demonstrate how mindful or not we really are. We invite those who maybe interested to contact me and come along to see if this is something you may like to do on a regular basis.
The group meets fortnightly on Tuesday afternoons at 2pm til 4pm. You can contact me Irene on... 07971431116 or email
Venue: Radbrook Community Centre
Have Pass Will Travel
A group for those keen to put their free bus pass to use.
Our first outing to Ludlow on Monday 30th April was a wonderful success. On Friday 1st June we enjoyed a terrific day out in Bridgnorth.
This new group now arranges a monthly excursion to foreign lands (beyond Shrewsbury) by encouraging you to make use of your free bus pass.
We meet at Shrewsbury bus station (although, depending on the destination, you may be able to board at a more convenient bus stop) and travel together to a strange and distant town (in Shropshire, or a neighbouring county). On arrival, we typically go for a coffee and share ideas about what to visit or where to shop and some of the group members also arrange to meet again for a spot of lunch at a chosen time and venue. We equip ourselves with the bus return timetables and the group members decide how long they wish to stay at the destination town and catch their preferred bus back home to Shrewsbury.
We have tremendous fun, there is great camaraderie, and the group members are free to be with others and spend time alone when they wish.
As a Shrewsbury U3A member, you don't have to formally join the Have Pass Will Travel Group, just grab your 'twirly' bus pass and join us on our next outing that takes your fancy.
Our group photos can be found at:
Our travel documents can be found at:
Venue: Outdoors
Lunch Club 1
We meet at Churchill's in the Conservative Club on the second Thursday each month. Timing is: 1200 for 1230.
Venue: Conservative Club
Lunch Club 2
Lunch Club 2 aims to provide the opportunity for members to meet together and socialise over lunch. Lunches will be organised at a variety of restaurants, cafes and pubs in Shrewsbury at a range of prices.
Meets: once every month on 3rd wednesday from 12.30 to 02.30
Lunch Club 3
This is very much a social group with members having input into the choice of venues in and around the Shrewsbury area.
We meet for lunch once a month on the second Thursday.
Meets: once every month on 4th thursday from 12:30 to 14:30
Lunch on Sunday (accepting waiting list members)
This social group visits pubs, restaurants and cafes in Shrewsbury town centre (or within easy walking distance). We'll sometimes have a traditional 'roast dinner', but we also explore the many other different types and nationalities of cuisine available in town. Options could include, for example: tapas/mezze; late breakfast/brunch; early afternoon tea; curry buffet, 'bring and share' picnic... and whatever other suggestions group members may have. Start times could vary accordingly.
Meets: once every month on last sunday from 13:00 to 14:00
Venue: Various
One Club, The (accepting waiting list members)
A group for U3A members who live on their own.
The group aims to provide opportunities to socialise, share strategies, and to provide support to those who enjoy their own company but appreciate involvement with others.
Meets: three times every week on tuesday from 10.30:00 to 12:00 and wednesday from 10:30 to 12:00 and thursday from 14:30 to 16:00
Venue: Various
Sunday Lunch Group 1
This is a group for Sunday pub lunches and was the first Shrewsbury U3A group to try meeting on a Sunday. It has been a popular success. We keep our group to 8 maximum so that everyone can hear and join in the conversation. We aim to support local pubs especially those not belonging to a national chain.
Our venues are mainly in the south of Shropshire and sometimes require travelling on country roads. We rarely visit Shrewsbury town centre for Sunday lunch so prospective new members need to be aware of this. At the present time we are at our maximum membership but if you would like to be part of a Sunday lunch group I can add names to our waiting list. I can then ask our New Groups Facilitator to begin the process of starting another group when there is sufficient interest. This would be more beneficial to members rather than staying on a waiting list for a long time. I will give every assistance to members wishing to start a new group.
Group Coordinator, Carol M
Meets: once every month on 3rd sunday from 12:30 to 14:30
Venue: Various
Regular trips and outings are arranged for Shrewsbury u3a members.
Details of the forthcoming trips are advertised in the monthly newsletter and on the Shrewsbury u3a Facebook website.
Members interested in attending a particular outing should contact Seeven Thandrayen, the Group Coordinator at
Venue: Outdoors