New Members
Please join online after 1 January so that you get the benefit of a full year’s membership. Otherwise please contact the membership secretary and he will process your application.
The annual subscription, payable each January, covers affiliation fees to the national organisation, four national U3A Third Age Matters magazines (posted to members), and local expenses such as the cost of speakers and room rental for monthly meetings, and the publication of own monthly newsletter. The subscription of £15 for the year entitles members to join as many study groups as they wish. Our monthly newsletter provides news and reports on our activities, full details of all the study groups and all members are encouraged to contribute to its production.
New members are always welcome and our numbers grow every month. Just come along to one of our monthly meetings which take place on the third Monday of each month (except August) at Shrewsbury's Theatre Severn. Our New Member Secretary or Groups Administrator and our Membership Secretary will be in the seating area outside the entrance to the Walker Theatre from 9.45am onwards. They will provide you with all the information you want to know about the U3A in general and all our study groups. Prospective members are actively encouraged to attend a monthly meeting or a study group meeting before deciding whether to join. You can also find out more at one of our informal monthly Coffee Time meetings or if you can't wait, you can join online right now. To find out more click on New Member Enquiries.
You can become a member straight away by clicking here. After registering your details, you'll automatically be sent your membership information allowing you to use our online system to discover all of the study group information. You'll soon receive our next monthly newsletter and we'll be looking forward to meeting you at one of our general meetings or at a study group that interests you.
Alternatively, if you would like to join by more traditional methods, please download and complete the . You can bring your completed form to a monthly meeting or post it (to the address given on the form) together with a cheque for your subscription.
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